


We will ensure that Hamilton is a community of choice and opportunity for all



  • Support the creation of new housing units that offer a wide range of housing opportunities in our community, including both market rate and affordable housing options

  • Partner with organizations such as Neighborhood Housing Services and SELF to add more affordable owner-occupied housing units

Promote reinvestment in our urban core and traditional neighborhoods and promote high quality suburban DEVELOPMENT

  • Promote the creation of high quality residential units in the urban core through public private partnerships

  • Support efforts to rehabilitate historic buildings through efforts like public-private partnerships and the encouragement of resident-led renovation projects

  • Promote infill development in our urban core, traditional neighborhoods, and along the riverfront

  • Encourage the development of high-quality residential units in suburban neighborhoods

  • Increase homeownership rates through efforts like down payment assistance programs and targeted marketing

  • Collaborate with Hamilton schools on marketing our strong education system

Retain existing hamilton residents

  • Be responsive to the needs and concerns of Hamilton residents through efforts such as 311 activity, social media engagement, and community meetings

  • Connect Hamiltonians to the events, parks, and other quality of life improvements occurring in our community

  • Encourage homeowners to invest in their homes through incentives like rehabilitation loans and facade grants

  • Simplify access to the city and community services for all people

Market Hamilton to Prospective residents

  • Continue to promote and develop incentive programs to attract people to live in Hamilton

  • Execute a regional communications plan to market Hamilton

  • Collaborate with employers to promote Hamilton to their employees


We will create a sense
of place in our 17 neighborhoods


Connect neighbors and further neighborhood identities

  • Improve neighborhood identity within Hamilton’s 17 neighborhoods through programs such as neighborhood signage and a neighborhood identity awards program

  • Support initiatives that empower citizens to invest in their neighborhoods like the microgrant program

  • Continue to promote the grassroots efforts to improve the city like community meetings and clean-ups

  • Communicate with all residents and offer engagement opportunities