We will improve Hamilton’s streets
Mobility Maps
This story map will provide a glimpse into the future planned transportation improvements within the city over the next 15 to 20 years.
In 2017, Utilities and Public Works combined to form the Department of Infrastructure. Read more about the impact this team is having on the City of Hamilton.
Prioritize road maintenance
Invest in road improvements in both residential and commercial areas
Employ creative solutions and seek grant funding to expand the number of road miles paved
Make Hamilton more navigable
Expand on the regional wayfinding system to make it easier to find local amenities, including parking
Make road improvements adaptable to future technologies, such as autonomous vehicles
Develop a long-term parking strategy for downtown
We will encourage alternative modes of transportation to improve mobility and decrease traffic congestion
Improve public transportation
Seek ways to improve and expand bus transportation opportunities, including the possibility of a local circulator, more frequent routes, and expanded services that connect people to employment opportunities within and beyond Butler County
Expand bicycle infrastructure
Build a local bike system, including the Hamilton Beltline
Build connections to the broader regional and state trail system, including the Miami 2 Miami Regional Trail effort
Make Hamilton a walkable city
Require pedestrian amenities with new development
Identify and implement priority sidewalk improvements
Ensure all residents have safe and accessible connections to community facilities and services
We will ensure that Hamilton is a safe, clean, and supported community
We well ensure that Hamilton is a safe, clean, and supported community
Identify major transportation improvements to better connect Hamilton to the region
Improve connectivity to I-75 and I-275
Build North Hamilton Crossing
Explore improvements from South Hamilton Crossing to across the river and to By-Pass 4
Explore opportunities to reduce the number of railroad crossing conflict points through the community, especially along the “S” curve
Continue to improve traffic flow on High Street and Main
Street as well as other arterial roadways
Make mobility and aesthetic improvements on Route 4
Pursue partnerships for mobility improvements
Work with regional and state partners on increasing transportation funding
Continue to work with rail lines CSX and Norfolk Southern to reduce delays by trains and train noise
Work with Butler County and neighboring communities on regional mobility initiatives
Ensure high quality Police and Fire Services for all residents
Ensure that Public Safety has support to address issues that are important to Hamilton residents, such as maintaining a strong police presence in our neighborhoods and addressing criminal and drug activity
Make improvements to Hamilton’s public safety facilities
Implement strategies to reduce speeding and traffic incidents
Ensure all hamilton neighborhoods are clean
Continue to invest in property nuisance abatement
Promote 311 use to help residents communicate concerns to City staff
Strengthen tools to fight blight and crime, such as the Chronic Nuisance Ordinance and Vacant Property Registration
Continue to dispense Land Bank properties as side lots or for new development in Hamilton neighborhoods
help hamilton residents in need
Participate in efforts to develop a county-wide plan for homeless, drug addiction, and mental health services