We will support our existing businesses and attract new businesses that provide upward economic mobility
Aggressively work on business retention and expansion
Promote the creation of well-paying job opportunities throughout Hamilton
Ensure that the City of Hamilton is a business friendly community
Coordinate with employers and local educational institutions on workforce development initiatives that grow and strengthen our workforce
Recruit and retain companies that create a wide variety of employment opportunities that diversify our economy and offer economic opportunity for all
Collaborate with Butler County, the State of Ohio, and other regional partners on catalytic projects
Recruit businesses in high demand industries such as advanced manufacturing and information technology
Continue to identify funding opportunities to clean-up and restore brownfields and abandoned properties
Promote high impact development in Hamilton Enterprise Park, University Commerce Park, and the JEDD
Value the important role of the startup AND SMALL BUSINESS community
Support the development of new small businesses through partnering with the Small Business Development Center and the Chamber of Commerce
Promote new initiatives, such as programming for minority and women owned businesses
We will create a vibrant community to attract and retain residents, employers, employees, and visitors
Attract and retain businesses that enhance quality of life
Develop and implement creative economic development tools to attract and retain quality of life businesses
Invest in programming and special events that improve quality of life and attract and retain small businesses
Employ a public relations strategy as an economic development strategy
Attract and promote family-friendly businesses
Maintain a high level of public safety service for both the business and residential communities
Revitalize and reimagine business corridors in Hamilton
Advance improvements on business districts including Central, Pleasant, Route 4, Grand, west side commercial area, German Village, and Downtown/Main Street
Activate development along the Great Miami River that is envisioned in the River Master Plan
Prioritize key brownfield redevelopment opportunities, such as the Shuler Benninghofen Mill and Mohawk Paper sites
Utilize public private partnerships to achieve development objectives
Identify economic development opportunities as part of the land bank prioritization strategy
Encourage restaurants to open throughout all of Hamilton’s business corridors